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If you find yourself with allegations of Kidnap or False Imprisonment then contact us now! Morton’s Solicitors can advise you and provide expert representation at Court.

Call us for immediate advice by telephone on 0161 477 1121.


How We Can Help


You should not face prosecution for an offence of this type without legal representation.

Most cases will proceed to the Crown Court. It is quite likely that you will face the prospect of a lengthy prison sentence.

Have you been invited to attend a police station? Some of the most important decisions made in relation to a case are made at the police station. If Morton’s solicitors are involved at an early stage of an investigation, we are often able to affect the outcome.

You are not obliged to say anything to the police and we advise all clients to maintain their right to silence until they speak with us.

A case can proceed solely on admissions made to the police without the need for witnesses to ever attend court.

You are entitled to have a solicitor present free of charge at any police interview. You should never be interviewed without legal representation.

Morton’s Solicitors can advise you and provide expert representation.

Call us now for immediate advice on 0161 477 1121.

Award-Winning Crime Team of the Year

Why You Are In Safe Hands with Morton’s Solicitors – Stockport, Manchester & Cheshire.

In early 2018 we were absolutely delighted to have been awarded the Manchester Legal Awards 2016 – “Crime – Team of the Year” award. Not only is this based on our ability to get fantastic results for our clients, but we also offer an extremely friendly, discreet and client-focused service which has earnt us the plaudits. What this means for any prospective client is that your case is going to be in some of the safest hands in Criminal Defense for Stockport, Greater Manchester & across the North West.

Contact Us


22 Middle Hillgate, Stockport, Greater Manchester, SK1 3AY Tel: 0161 477 1121  |  Fax: 0161 477 0708  |  Email: [email protected] Secure Email: [email protected] (secure email/CJSM users only)