The Online Safety Bill : What You Need to Know and Why It Matters.
The Online Safety Bill is ground-breaking legislation which will have potential implications for businesses and individuals alike. Here’s why…
Legal News Round-Up – November 2024
Here we take a look at some of the legal news that made the headlines in November in the latest of our series of round-up articles.
The impact of AI in the Criminal Justice System
AI is becoming more commonplace across most industries but how is it being embraced in the criminal justice system and what are the implications?
Criminal Justice System Under Pressure : Is there a shortage of Solicitors and Barristers?
With the increasing pressures on the criminal justice system, we look at whether there is a shortage of qualified solicitors and barristers.
The Dramatisation of the Criminal Justice System on UK TV : A History of TV Courtroom Dramas
TV Courtroom dramas have captured the public’s interest in the CJS for over half a century. We look back at TV’s portrayal of the courts.
7 Key Moments In the History of Criminal Law in the UK
How did the UK end up with the Criminal Justice System we currently have. Here we look at 7 key moments from history which have shaped our CJS.
Legal News Round-Up – October 2024
Here we take a look at some of the legal news that made the headlines in October in the latest of our series of round-up articles.
Conditions in Strangeways Prison Cause for Concern
A revealing review into conditions in HMP Manchester – commonly known as Strangeways – highlights several areas of concern. We look at the report findings…
How the justice system impacts on Sexual-related Offences
A recent review into the impact of the Criminal Justice System processes surrounding sexually-related offences reveals some serious inadequacies…
Increase in Sentencing Powers for Magistrate’s Court
Magistrate’s will now be able to issue longer prison sentences following changes to sentencing guidelines. Here we look at the implications.